Welcome to Ren Live
Church doesn't always happen inside of our building in downtown Decatur, IL. Sometimes it happens right in the middle of your living room! Join our online community live at 9:00 or 10:45 AM on Sundays.
Streaming live at 10:00 AM on Sundays!
Last week at REn
Luke 14:7-11 The Parable of the Wedding Feast
Pastor Jeff Watts teaching on Luke 14:7-11.
Guest Resources
If you call Renaissance your church home, we want to invite you to get involved in a ministry team. There are so many great things that happen when we serve together. We meet new people, make great connections, and forever friends. We also get to practice being more like Jesus when we serve others. Whether you are welcoming someone new, looking through a camera, or loving on kids. Wherever you serve, you get a chance to reflect how much Jesus cares for them.
Your faithful giving enables us to do what we can while trusting God to do what only he can do. If you’d like to start giving with us today, you can do that in person by using the giving boxes or kiosk located around the building, or online at rendecatur.org/give. You can also use our text to give option. Just text an amount to 217-882-6111 to get started.